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ICANN Takes a Lick at Domain Tasting(2)

时间:2007-08-07 09:57   来源:eWEEK   作者:Larry Seltzer
The bottom line of my read on the subject is that it would be easy to do something about tasting if VeriSign were interested in doing so. Clearly it's not. VeriSign obviously thinks that the cost to i

The bottom line of my read on the subject is that it would be easy to do something about tasting if VeriSign were interested in doing so. Clearly it's not. VeriSign obviously thinks that the cost to it of an enormous amount of adds and deletes in the registry is overwhelmed by the registry fees it gets.

If you're interested in the domain tasting issue I recommend reading the report, but don't get excited about the prompt action you'd expect it to trigger. That's not the way ICANN works. After all, they're the folks who created the mess that allowed domain tasting and ignored it for years. Already they're spending inordinate amounts of time investigating things everyone knows to be true, effectively protecting the interests of people everyone knows are scammers. If you want to see where they are on the subject you can read the latest draft of the RFI (request for information) document they're working on (Microsoft Word .DOC format).

Security Center Editor Larry Seltzer has worked in and written about the computer industry since 1983.

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