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Businesses Losing Battle Against DNS Attack, Says New Study

时间:2007-07-18 00:47   来源:CircleID   作者:Reporter
According to a new research study, companies are in struggle to keep their DNS (Domain Name Systems) protected from malicious attackers. Many businesses remain vulnerable, as over half the respondents reported having fallen victim to some form of mal
According to a new research study, companies are in struggle to keep their DNS (Domain Name Systems) protected from malicious attackers. Many businesses remain vulnerable, as over half the respondents reported having fallen victim to some form of malware attack. Over one third had been hit by a denial-of-service attack while over 44 percent had experienced either a pharming or cache poisoning attack. Findings showed both external and internal DNS servers were equally vulnerable, as both types succumbed to attacks with roughly the same frequency. Mazerov Research and Consulting has conducted this study on behalf of Secure64 Software Corporation.



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