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Oversee.net Acquires Domain Portfolios

时间:2007-07-18 00:48   来源:SocalTech.com   作者:Los Angeles
based online marketer and domain name firm Oversee.net said today that it acquired over $7M in domain portfolios in May. The firm said that it acquired a total of 66 domain portfolios from domain name owners, as part of an accelerated acquisition of
based online marketer and domain name firm Oversee.net said today that it acquired over $7M in domain portfolios in May. The firm said that it acquired a total of 66 domain portfolios from domain name owners, as part of an accelerated acquisition of domain names. Oversee said that the goal of the acquisitions is to accelerate and grow the firm's domain services business. Oversee.net offers services to domainers--people who buy up domain names in hopes of gaining traffic from "direct navigation" and mis-spelled URLs--that matches those domain names with advertising. The company also owns SnapNames, a service which buys up expiring domain names and resells them to new web owners.



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